
The Spotted Brick House - Home Tour Christmas 2018

I love Christmas. Love, love, love. And Mr. Wonderful says that any time I say something three times in a row then it must be very important. So, yes, I love Christmas!

I go all out for Christmas. Obscenely all out. Glitter is everywhere! And by the time all the glitter is finally gone from the house, it’s just about summer.

During Christmas, our house is transformed from a normal, serene home into an over-the-top extravaganza. But only during Christmas. There’s no way we could live with this much going on. Visual overload and too much stimulation to be up for any great length of time. But while it’s up… woah, Nellie! It’s ah-maze-ing!

One year when we still lived in Maine, for some reason I did not have the gumption to decorate the entire house (yeah, all 832 square feet of it). Not one iota. The 9 foot artificial Christmas tree was the only thing that made it up that year. and that’s because Mr. Wonderful assists with the tree. I put one lone ornament on it which simply said ‘faith’ and I thought it was fitting. Truth be told, neither one of us was happy to have no Christmas decorations and the bare tree with one lonely ornament on it did not cut it. So we’ve never done that again. Ever since, it’s been decorated to the hilt.

Our decor is traditional red, green, and gold with the exception of the dining room (whites and gold) and the foyer (silver, white, with a touch of red).

We have something festive in every room of the house. Our public spaces are maxed out while our bedrooms and bathrooms have just a hint of seasonal cheer. Those spaces are meant to be serene and calming.

I’d love for you to join me as I do a tour of the public spaces in our home - the kitchen and sitting room, the dining room, the foyer, and the living room.