
Stuff I’m Loving – The February Issue

Welcome to February! I have no idea where January went but February means we are that much closer to spring. I’ll take it. Not that it’s been a bad winter (it hasn’t) but I really look forward to spring. But let’s get back to February.  

Here’s what’s going on:

Professional Organizer - Be Neatly Organized

What I’m Listening To:

I really love listening to podcasts. I just grabbed my iPhone and counted how many podcasts I am subscribed to. 34. Some I like more than others but they are all beneficial. Have you tried listening to podcasts yet?


What I’m Reading:

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I’m just a couple of chapters in but it’s a fascinating read! Even though it is a book to learn from, the author’s way of teaching is through story telling. Such a relatable way to learn. And the topic is important as well, especially if you want to know how habits work so you can change yours to more positive habits. I would totally recommend this book so far.

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What I’m DIYing:

I’m chomping at the bit to do some major DIYing around the house. We took some time off over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. And since then, I’ve been watching a bunch of HGTV renovating projects. We don’t have cable so any HGTV shows we do watch have to be the ones we can watch for free. Which means they are not always new/recent episodes. But nonetheless, it’s caused the itch to DIY and I’m needing to scratch that itch soon. So, with all that said, we have started with a Master List of To Do tasks by room. Our house is not a major fixer upper but it has enough things for us to do that we are happy doing them and not all stressed out about doing them. And we are living in our house just fine the way it is so it’s not like we need to do it all and need to do it now. We can do things at our own pace. Now to decide what is the next project to do. Decisions. Decisions.


What I’m Organizing:

Life. Funny how things happen. I like structure and schedule. Yeah, surprised, huh? Hee hee. So when things cause me to pivot, it’s a big deal. So right now I’m trying to organize my life. Let’s see how it goes.


What I’m Excited About:

See What I’m Organizing and the pivot.


What are you most excited about in February? What’s happening in your little corner of the world?