
How To Start




I was asked the following question:

How do you get started with a purging project? Like what do you start with, other than realizing you have to purge.

Short Answer:

Start Small & Easy for a Quick Win

Let's use something easy like your spice cabinet for illustrative purposes.

Here is my spice cabinet at the start of my project.

Spice Cabinet before organizing - Be Neatly Organized

Looks similar to all the spice cabinets out there that need organizing. You may or may not have lazy susans, or racks, or bins, or baskets. Or you may have nothing at all.

These are the basic steps for projects (whether big or small):

1) Remove contents

2) Eliminate and consolidate

3) Organize likes with likes

4) Return to space (organizing product optional)

Here is what my cabinet looks like now:

Spice Cabinet after organizing - Be Neatly Organized

So Let’s Break It Down Step-by-Step

1) Take everything out. Everything. Clean your cabinet to have a fresh start.

2) a. Eliminate (or call it purge or declutter or toss) anything expired, not ever going to be used - be ruthless. I had a spice called Beau Monde because I thought I just HAD to have it. Guess what? I had no idea what to use it in and it expired a gazillion years ago. I moved it 1500 miles away. b. Consolidate where applicable and discard or give away duplicates/triplicates.

3). Look at what is left. Keep likes with likes. In this example, I put all the teeny jars in the front and progressively went taller to the back. I also alphabetized each row as well. Being able to see the jars plus knowing where they are in the row is so helpful. NOTE: if you have spices that expired that you need to replace because you actually do use them, make a list as you toss them and then go to the store. Choose one brand, if possible, for consistency. In my scenario, I purchased the square glass organic spices which makes for a much neater look overall. And I find square items store easier than round.

4). Put things away. Use the proper container or storage item (in this case something like a tiered rack or clear bins - see below for my recommendation).

NOTE: Put the spices where you are actually going to use them since you want them to be convenient. For example, I have mine in the cabinet beside my stove. Interestingly enough, I used the right hand cabinet since I am right handed so it just worked out that way for me.

All done!

spice cabinet organizing before and after - Be Neatly Organized

After I organized my spice cabinet, I would frequently just open the door and look at it. Made me feel so good!

What to use for organizing products?

Here’s the spice rack I recommend (affiliate link

This is one that Target sells but I do not care for it at all. I returned it. The wooden one is so much better.

If you are using a lazy susan because you have bigger jars, remember to measure the inside of your cabinet. Upper cabinets do not have the same depth as a pantry or a lower cabinet.

Here’s a lazy susan (affiliate link

REMINDER TIP: start with easy projects for a quick win and work your way up to bigger ones.

So there you have it! Let me know if you have organized your spice cabinet and how it turned out.